Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Aloha State of Mind

It's been quite a while since I posted last.......year. 2010 so far has treated me very well. I've already been to the exotic locales of Maui in Hawaii, Las Vegas in Nevada, London in England and throughout Tuscany in Italy. All what I can say is I'm pretty lucky to have been around already this year and can't wait to head off to another place!!

First off I'll talk about Hawaii, we went there bright and early on my 16th birthday (talk about a birthday present) <--- that last part was a lie; we went since it was my older brother's reading week and figured it would be the most convenient time to go all together on a vacation.
view towards lanai

I went there a long time ago but I still love it over on the beautiful island of Maui. The air there just beats any other kind of air you can breathe anywhere else in the world. I guess the Pacific suits me! There's something about going to Hawaii that slows you down and let's you just be calm. Locals would drive by us as we drove to our hotel on tiny mo-peds with nothing but swimsuits on. From the 'highway' you would turn your head one way and see ominous ancient lava flows cascading down towards sea level and when I would turn my head the other way I saw the sun slowly sinking into the bright blue ocean.

Surfers would grace black sand beaches practically glowing from the setting sun. The sky was a mixture of every bright colour known, there was pink orange blue black and red all mixed together to create a brilliant painting across the sky. Each day we basically spent on the beach... we would swim, toss a base-ball, kayak, whale watch, and just bask in the islands beauty. From where we were staying, Molokai and Lanai didn't seem too far away. At night the stars were amazing; if you ever want to stargaze there's a place to go! I can't say enough good things about the island I came to love this trip and really with Hawaii you can't read about it in a post and feel like you've seen it; it's an experience that you have to see for yourself.

till next time.....
Thanks for reading,

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