Thursday, August 12, 2010

Love; It's All You Really Need

Vegas for March break.... We'd only been home for less than two weeks and we were off to Nevada. I hadn't been there for awhile (side note: last time we went there I was 7 or so), and my memories of it weren't very good. All I really remembered was the Pirate Show at Treasure Island (it's supposed to happen nightly). I didn't remember the 'Sin' in "Sin City".

This time, I immediately was put off. There were tons of 20 somethings running around our hotel (the Venetian) drunk which was okay but the smoking and everything was a little much .. (guess it prepared me for Europe!) My view really changed after our second night there.

Vegas is kind of brisk in March, you could be bundled up wearing a sweater in the morning and lounging by the pool at lunch... It was crazy! Now my family isn't big theater fans, or Beatles fans but we wanted to see a show that would be cool. Our expectations going into Cirque de Soleil LOVE were low, and I'm glad they were because we were WOW'd. The theater is a big X with a small stage in the middle, and we were two rows from the front. It was awesome we were at the same level as the performers so you could see their faces. Unfortunately we couldn't take pictures in there but if you ever go to Vegas, it's a must!

The next day, we hit up the Eiffel Tower replica at the Paris hotel. Go there for great eclairs, and a wicked view over the strip. You can even see the distant mountains that are just beyond the desert. We went on the standard 'walkabout' through Caesar's palace and also went to NEW YORK NEW YORK to go on their roller-coaster. My brother and I went on the ride, which was very good but the first drop was a little well high. That night we saw the Blue Man group, which was very good only it didn't really compare to our night before.

That's all for now, thanks for reading

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Aloha State of Mind

It's been quite a while since I posted last.......year. 2010 so far has treated me very well. I've already been to the exotic locales of Maui in Hawaii, Las Vegas in Nevada, London in England and throughout Tuscany in Italy. All what I can say is I'm pretty lucky to have been around already this year and can't wait to head off to another place!!

First off I'll talk about Hawaii, we went there bright and early on my 16th birthday (talk about a birthday present) <--- that last part was a lie; we went since it was my older brother's reading week and figured it would be the most convenient time to go all together on a vacation.
view towards lanai

I went there a long time ago but I still love it over on the beautiful island of Maui. The air there just beats any other kind of air you can breathe anywhere else in the world. I guess the Pacific suits me! There's something about going to Hawaii that slows you down and let's you just be calm. Locals would drive by us as we drove to our hotel on tiny mo-peds with nothing but swimsuits on. From the 'highway' you would turn your head one way and see ominous ancient lava flows cascading down towards sea level and when I would turn my head the other way I saw the sun slowly sinking into the bright blue ocean.

Surfers would grace black sand beaches practically glowing from the setting sun. The sky was a mixture of every bright colour known, there was pink orange blue black and red all mixed together to create a brilliant painting across the sky. Each day we basically spent on the beach... we would swim, toss a base-ball, kayak, whale watch, and just bask in the islands beauty. From where we were staying, Molokai and Lanai didn't seem too far away. At night the stars were amazing; if you ever want to stargaze there's a place to go! I can't say enough good things about the island I came to love this trip and really with Hawaii you can't read about it in a post and feel like you've seen it; it's an experience that you have to see for yourself.

till next time.....
Thanks for reading,

Friday, January 8, 2010

Peak District England

Once upon a time I was in my library, looking for something interesting.. Of course I had always heard that Pride & Prejudice was one of the best books of all time. Too bad it could not keep my attention span past page 10. Anyways, I decided to give the whole story of Lizzy & Darcy another go, and it was a little better. Wow, the sites in the movie were spectacular, I think that's probably why I liked the movie so much. They had huge country mansions, and high cliffs looking down into the valley (Stanage Edge; I'll talk about that later).

The first location I want to talk about is clearly my front runner. I want to hike this edge near Hathersage, England someday...... It's known as Stanage Edge. It's in the middle of Peak National Park in England in the middle of England, Robin Hood territory (in fact Little John is said to be buried in a nearby town). No words or anything can describe Stanage to me, so I figure a picture will do it justice.

The next destination is the castle that Darcy owns,
known as Pemberly in the movie but we all really
know it is Chatsworth House. The setting looks
as if it has been ripped out of a fairy tale.
Sadly though you may not experience this
place in the solitude,
since it is a fairly popular attraction in the
Peak District area. Arrive early and stay for a while,
it looks like it's worth it.

That is all for now,